More heifers generate more profit and more genetic gain in dairy herds.
The need for PRO ™ Heifer
Dairy farmers want more female calves! More heifer calves means more possibilities to select the best progeny for the next generation in the herd. This increase helps also to expand herd size without purchasing replacements and allows dairy farms to sell extra heifers for additional income. Wether lowering replacement costs or increasing profit through heifer sales, both means additional financial benefit. How can you achieve this? Either through the use of PRO ™ Heifer or through the use of sexed semen!
PRO ™ Heifer is a natural and easy way to get more heifers in a dairy herd.
PRO ™ Heifer contributes to:
- More heifers with usual conception rates on farm.
- Full choice of sires for all inseminations.
- Better control of genetic progress.
- The higher the calf price difference between sexes, the more profitable it is.
- Higher flexibility in producing dairy and beef calves out of the same dairy herd.
PRO ™ Heifer - a new tool in modern dairy herd management.
More heifers with usual conception rate - results in different European countries.
Percentage of female calves in different European countries using PRO ™ Heifer. These results include embryo transfer and sex detection with ultra sonic measurement.
PRO ™ Heifer was tested on dairy farms in France, UK, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries. The average of hundreds of births was 75% female calves. A variaton from farm to farm is due to differences in heat detection and insemination management procedures.
The metabolized ingredients of the product remain in the blood stream and change the conditions in the oviduct in such a way that female sperms (genotype x) get a higher chance to fertilize the egg, resulting in more female calves.
Farmers using PRO ™ Heifer have the full choice of sires and can mate them to the whole herd. There are no restrictions using it in heifers or reduced fertilty in multiparous cows. Futhermore, a female calf at first calving brings more milk in the first two lactations. Breeders take control of their herd improvement with PRO ™ Heifer.
Daughters confer milk production advantages postnatally, during gestation, and across multiple lactations.
Cows (n=113‘750) with both first and second parity lactation records were used to assess effects of calf sex on milk production in the first two lactations. Groups were labeled by calf sex (B=bull, H=heifer) with pregnancy denoted by subscript. First-parity cows having a heifer calf (Hx) produced significantly more milk than those having a bull calf (Bx). Gestating a heifer calf in pregnancy two increased milk in cows that had bull calf first (BH).
Reference: February 2014, Volume 9, Issue 2
Extra milk production compared to cows with BB
PRO ™ Heifer profitable in heifers and cows
Profit in EUR per calf at birth compared to standard AI
Comparison of different mating schemes:
- Sexed semen in heifers (90% female calves) = SS heifers.
- ProTMHeifer in heifers = PH Heifers.
- ProTMHeifer in 50% of herd (2/3 heifers; 1/3 cows).
- Standard AI program in whole herd (30% heifers).
- PRO ™ Heifer is more profitable in heifers and cows than in heifers only.
- PRO ™ Heifer is already profitable at a lower value of replacement calves.
- Sexed semen is only an option in high breeding herds!
How to use PRO ™ Heifer
PRO ™ Heifer is a complementary feed. The drenching bottle of 500 ml can be fed directly into the mouth of the cow between 8 and 10 hours after heat detection (standing heat) and at least 1 to 2 hours before insemination. The insemination procedure can be followed as usual on the farm. AI or natural mating possible.
PRO ™ Heifer stands for:
- All ingredients correspond to EU Feed legislation.
- No undesired side effects, no restriction period or production withdrawal.
- Product manufactured in Europe under GMP+ standard.